Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Fresh Start

So, Home Girl is sick.... AGAIN!!!  I have been fighting off Strep for the past four weeks. I also have started up another quarter at school.

I am getting pretty bored of myself, my habits, and being sick. I decided its time for some change!

I will be fixing up the look of my blog. I am also thinking of starting up a YouTube Channel of my own! What do you guys think?!

Being in college has taken a lot out of my overall health. I went from being active in four years of tennis and healthy eating to sitting around all day munching cause I am busy with school and homework(LAZY). In the past I strictly followed Cassey's Blogilates workouts for a long time, and since I started college I haven't been into it. Since I am looking back into it I will document my progress for you as soon as I get well.

Until another day...


  1. Glad to hear I'm not the only one! I was an avid figure skater and was on my mountain bike about 3 times a week in the summer! Now with college and a job I sit around typing essays and eating things XD

    1. Its the worst feeling! I feel like well educated jello.. XD
